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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
June 1, 2022
Alex Shephard
We Have Entered the Self-Pity Stage of the Biden Presidency
Better “messaging” alone won’t shift the dire fundamentals of this midterm election.
May 31, 2022
Timothy Noah
The Next Recession Will Make Income Inequality a Lot Worse
We used to think a silver lining to economic downturns was that inequality halted. But new research suggests recessions speed inequality up.
May 26, 2022
Grace Segers
Democrats Look to Women Voters to Save Their Bacon in the Midterms
Inflation, abortion rights, and rising childcare costs are the kinds of issues that motivate women to vote. But which party will they support once they get there?
May 17, 2022
Timothy Noah
Is the Typical CEO Really Worth $15 Million?
Of course not. But that’s what they make as they profit from the inflation that’s hurting the middle class.
May 12, 2022
Kate Aronoff
Why the Biden Administration’s Plan to Fix Gas Prices Isn’t Working
It’s tempting to believe high prices are all about price gouging. But the reality is far wilder.
May 11, 2022
Grace Segers
Sharice Davids Has Money on Her Mind as She Plots a Course to Reelection
In an interview with The New Republic, Kansas’s lone Democrat says she’s focused on boosting the economic fortunes of her constituents and staving off the effects of inflation.
May 7, 2022
Jason Linkins
The Tragedy of the Expanded Child Tax Credit
As the midterms loom, the recipients of the now-expired benefit are turning against Democrats.
May 6, 2022
Ankush Khardori
A Shipwreck, an Insurance Scam, and a Murderous Cover-Up
The suspicious death of a marine surveyor illuminates flows of illicit money in the global economy.
May 3, 2022
Timothy Noah
No, Republicans Aren’t Better at Managing the Economy Than Democrats
By virtually every objective measure, Democrats do better. It’s not even close. So why doesn’t America know it?
April 29, 2022
Timothy Noah
Don’t Count Your Recession Before It’s Hatched
The grim first-quarter GDP number has people invoking the R-word. We’ll see. In the meantime, take that trip to Costa Rica you can’t afford.
April 27, 2022
Timothy Noah
Yes, Wages Did Go Up. But Now We’re Back to the Crap-Job Economy.
Covid initially drove wages up, especially for working-class people. But that’s over—another illustration of capital’s dethronement of labor.
April 16, 2022
Jason Linkins
Corporate America’s Long Con
Howard Schultz, Starbucks’s returning CEO, says the coffee chain is getting into scammy NFTs. But that’s nothing compared to the scam that corporations have been pulling on workers for decades now.
April 13, 2022
Grace Segers
The Expanded Child Tax Credit Could Have Helped Protect Families Against Inflation
The poorest Americans are feeling the biggest squeeze from rising prices. Alas, Congress allowed a program that might have helped them to expire last year.
April 12, 2022
Timothy Noah
This Is Vladimir Putin’s Inflation Number, Not Joe Biden’s
The stock market understands that the current spike in consumer prices is war-related. Why can’t Chris Cillizza?
April 11, 2022
Walter Shapiro
The Democrats Are Not Dead Yet
Despite conventional wisdom, the party is not doomed in November’s midterm elections. The economy, Covid-19, the invasion of Ukraine, and the January 6 insurrection are all wild cards.
April 4, 2022
Timothy Noah
Your House Makes More Money Than You Do
Why labor can’t compete with real estate
March 30, 2022
Daniel Strauss
Biden Has Been Touting the Middle Class for Two Years, but the Middle Class May Not Be Listening
A new poll has some pretty grim economic news for Democrats: Respondents associate the phrase “middle class” more with Republicans.
March 17, 2022
Timothy Noah
No, Larry Summers, Stagflation Isn’t Coming Back
We had it once, in the 1970s. Predicting its return is like predicting Japanese planes will again bomb Pearl Harbor.
March 12, 2022
Jason Linkins
The Vicious Cycle of Covid-19 and Economic Inequality
The pandemic widened the gaps between the haves and have-nots—thus sowing the seeds of the next pandemic.
March 10, 2022
Timothy Noah
The Great Resignation Shows That Managers Need Unions as Much as Workers Do
Growing evidence suggests that businesses lack the ability to address worker dissatisfaction. Time to restore an old model.
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