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The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
The New Republic
Climate Politics
June 12, 2020
Kate Aronoff
One Quick Trick for Curbing the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Political Influence
Nationalize them.
June 11, 2020
Kate Aronoff
Reactionary Unions Don’t Just Back Police. They Also Back Fossil Fuels.
The left-leaning labor movement is home to a few highly intransigent anti-reform groups. How should labor respond?
June 4, 2020
Kate Aronoff
Defunding the Police Is Good Climate Policy
Budgets are about to get tight. States and cities should direct money to programs that truly make communities more secure.
June 1, 2020
Geoff Dembicki
Trump Is Bailing Out Big Meat—and Further Screwing the Planet
Preserving the current system means preserving a climate-destroying supply chain built around industrial meat production.
May 19, 2020
Kate Aronoff
How Democrats Can Win Coal Country—and the 2020 Election
The fossil fuel industry is hemorrhaging jobs in swing states.
May 15, 2020
Kate Aronoff
America Is Not as Resilient as It Thinks It Is
Whether in a pandemic or a hurricane, inequality and underfunded infrastructure are bad for disaster preparedness.
May 12, 2020
Kate Aronoff
There Are Green Jobs Hiding in the Oilfields
Paying oil workers to clean up extraction sites and capture carbon could help both the economy and the planet.
May 7, 2020
Kate Aronoff
The Oil Crash Could Be Geothermal’s Big Break
Geothermal power requires similar infrastructure and skills as fossil fuel extraction, which means laid-off oil workers could switch to greener work pretty easily.
May 6, 2020
Kate Aronoff
The Important Debate
Planet of the Humans
Instead of lambasting yesteryear’s renewable energy, the movie could have taken up current, more relevant questions.
May 1, 2020
Kate Aronoff
The Federal Reserve Is Accelerating the Climate Crisis
Bailing out money-losing fossil fuel companies is not sound economic policy.
April 29, 2020
Kate Aronoff
Give Me Meat and Give Them Death
Trump’s executive order requiring industrial meatpackers to keep operating is murder.
April 28, 2020
Kate Aronoff
Don’t Let Larry Summers Block Climate Progress Again
He torpedoed clean energy plans in the Obama administration. Now he’s advising Joe Biden.
April 9, 2020
Daniel K. Gardner
The Planet Can’t Afford a Coronavirus Feud
The United States and China, despite current tensions, have to work together on fighting global warming. It’s the only way.
March 18, 2020
Kate Aronoff
Green Jobs Are the Answer to the Coronavirus Recession
The climate case for making the government the employer of last resort
March 13, 2020
Kate Aronoff
A Golden Opportunity for a Green Stimulus
New polling finds support for big, earth-friendly spending—fighting both the coronavirus-fueled recession and climate change at once.
March 11, 2020
Kate Aronoff
The Political Realignment From Hell
Trump’s coronavirus response stimulus package would bail out big oil. Biden-style Democrats will decry the cost. The planet will suffer.
February 20, 2020
Kate Aronoff
The Coronavirus’s Lesson for Climate Change
What society can learn from the tragedy’s impact on carbon emissions
September 24, 2019
Sam Adler-Bell
Why White Supremacists Are Hooked on Green Living
Eco-fascism is fashionable again on the far right, thanks to a rise in global temperatures and anti-immigrant nationalism.
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