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unemployment insurance
February 2, 2021
Alexander Zaitchik
The Forever Disease: How Covid-19 Became a Chronic Condition
Thousands of people have been suffering a slew of crazy postinfection syndromes for months—and there’s no end in sight.
September 25, 2020
J.C. Pan
Giving People Money in a Pandemic Worked. Now Give Them More.
A new Fed report reveals a jump in the number of people able to afford an emergency expense.
August 5, 2020
J.C. Pan
The Pandemic Benefit Seems So Great Because Actual Wages Are Insanely Low
It won’t be enough to simply bring back jobs when people weren't making enough in the first place.
May 22, 2020
J.C. Pan
What If Mass Unemployment Is Here to Stay?
We need anti-poverty measures that treat wide-scale joblessness as a starting point, not as a temporary problem that will naturally resolve itself.
May 7, 2020
Andrew Schwartz
The Fraught Realities of Financial Relief During a Pandemic
For many Americans receiving unemployment insurance right now, finally coming out ahead shows how badly they’ve been left behind.
April 10, 2020
Clare Busch
The Perilous Mess of Applying for Unemployment Right Now
“As soon as this is over, that’s going to be three months of rent, three months of phone bill—and you’ve been out of work.”
February 2, 2015
Danny Vinik
Obama's Budget Proposes a Major Overhaul of Unemployment Insurance
January 28, 2015
Danny Vinik
Obama Is Finally Getting Credit for the Recovery
November 3, 2014
Danny Vinik
What Will a Republican Senate Do for the U.S. Economy?
August 21, 2014
Danny Vinik
Unemployed Americans Are Miserable, and Republicans Are Making It Worse
August 5, 2014
Danny Vinik
Yet Another Reason to Extend Unemployment Insurance: It Prevents Foreclosures
July 14, 2014
Danny Vinik
Here's Definitive Proof That Republicans Don't Care About the Long-Term Unemployed
June 9, 2014
Danny Vinik
The Long-Term Unemployed Are Depressed. Here's How We Can Help Them.
May 6, 2014
Danny Vinik
Eric Cantor: I'm Fine With Deficit-Raising Tax Cuts, But Not Unemployment Insurance
April 28, 2014
Danny Vinik
The Real Reason Conservatives Oppose Renewing Unemployment Insurance
They don't want to spend the money
April 23, 2014
Danny Vinik
Conservatives Miss the Main Liberal Argument on Unemployment Benefits—the One That's Proving Correct
April 10, 2014
Danny Vinik
Conservatives' Bogus New 'Proof' that Jobless Benefits Hurt the Economy
April 8, 2014
Danny Vinik
House GOP Leader Admits His Party Doesn’t Care About the Long-Term Unemployed
April 1, 2014
Danny Vinik
Mitch McConnell Hates Increasing the Deficit—Except When It Benefits Corporations
March 27, 2014
Danny Vinik
Republicans Are Appalled by Budget Gimmicks—Unless They're Funding GOP Priorities
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