JP Morgan Screwed Over The Troops? Wake Up, James Carville, Wake Up! | The New Republic

Democratic Wedge Issues From Spaaace!

Somebody has created a machine that reads James Carville's most pleasant dreams and turns them into reality:

One of the nation's biggest banks — JP Morgan Chase — admits it has overcharged several thousand military families for their mortgages, including families of troops fighting in Afghanistan. The bank also tells NBC News that it improperly foreclosed on more than a dozen military families.
The admissions are an outgrowth of a lawsuit filed by Marine Capt. Jonathan Rowles. Rowles is the backseat pilot of an F/A 18 Delta fighter jet and has served the nation as a Marine for five years. He and his wife, Julia, say they’ve been battling Chase almost that long.
The dispute apparently caused the bank to review its handling of all mortgages involving active-duty military personnel. Under a law known as the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), active-duty troops generally get their mortgage interest rates lowered to 6 percent and are protected from foreclosure. Chase now appears to have repeatedly violated that law, which is designed to protect troops and their families from financial stress while they’re in harm's way.

Talk about a wedge issue for Democrats! Meanwhile, I'm expecting any day to see news of a spaceship landing by a race of super-attractive female aliens who demand to mate with our baldest, most unintelligible Democratic political consultants.