Richard Holbrooke (1941-2010) | The New Republic

Richard Holbrooke (1941-2010)

Richard Holbrooke, Obama’s special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, died Monday evening after undergoing heart surgery and surviving the weekend in critical condition. He was 69. Holbrooke’s service in the Obama administration was the last in a long line of foreign policy posts under Democratic presidents, beginning in the Johnson administration. He is best-known for crafting the Dayton Accords in 1995, which ended the war in Bosnia. He also contributed several articles to The New Republic, reviewing books on foreign affairs and international violence. In his 1984 review of the book The Quality of Mercy: Cambodia, Holocaust, and Modern Conscience, Holbrooke wrote, “The central lesson is that people must care, that extraordinary efforts are required to rouse people from their comfortable good time in order to do something to help those living, in George Steiner's phrase, in the ‘enveloping folds of inhuman time.’ If people do care, miracles can happen.” Here, we have gathered several TNR articles written about Holbrooke or by him during his distinguished career.

"Hillary's State" by Michael Crowley 

Dicks” by Matthew Cooper

Cold War” by Warren Bass

Demolition Man” by Ryan Lizza

Conscience and Catastrophe” by Richard Holbrooke

Front Man” by Richard Holbrooke

"Promises, Promises" by Richard Holbrooke

"Pushing Sand" by Richard Holbrooke

"Carpe Diem" by Richard Holbrooke