Mama Grizzly Watch | The New Republic

Mama Grizzly Watch

One of the side-stories of this election will be how well Sarah Palin's adopted "Mama Grizzlies"female conservativesare doing. So far, it's a mixed result. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire (who seems, well, a bit tame for Palin, but she did get her endorsement before her primary) won big. Christine O'Donnell lost big. Most interestingly, the candidate who first convinced the world that Palin had the golden touch, South Carolina gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley, is struggling against Democrat Vincent Sheheen. With 61 percent of the vote in, she's up by less than 7,000 votes in a profoundly Republican state. She may well pull it out, but it's sure not the cakewalk it was supposed to be when the woman Palin called "Your Nikki" romped to a victory in the GOP primary.