It is has come to our attention that several of our subscribers have received renewal notifications by phone and postal mail from agencies that are not authorized to sell or renew subscriptions on behalf of The New Republic. We apologize for any frustrations this has caused.

Below is a list of agencies not authorized to sell or renew subscriptions on TNR’s behalf. This list is not exhaustive, it includes only known violators.

  • Increase Publications
  • Mags4Cheap
  • Magazine Network
  • Magazine Billing Network
  • Magazine Readers Service Center
  • Magazine Solutions (also listed as 'New Magazine Solutions' and 'Your Magazine Solutions')
  • National Magazine Services
  • PolySpring
  • Publishers Billing Association
  • Publishers Billing Exchange
  • Union Digest
  • US Periodicals

We strongly recommend against sharing any financial information with these agencies. The New Republic never uses telemarketing services* and will not call you seeking personal information. If you ordered your subscription through an agent instead of directly from TNR, that agent may have renewal access. If you have questions about approved or approved agencies, please contact our subscriber services department at

The safest way to renew your subscription is by enrolling in Continuous Service - you will know that your subscription will always renew directly through TNR.  You can find out more by visiting or by contacting subscriber services by phone. If you receive a renewal notice and are unsure of its authentic­ity, please call our subscriber services de­partment at 800-827-1289.

Thank you for your ongoing loyalty to TNR.

*We recently ended our engagement with Smith Company, an agency that was legitimately authorized to renew by phone gift donors, and those whose subscriptions have expired; in the interest of consistency and transparency, we no longer use their services.