No Wonder Pussy Galore Was a Lesbian | The New Republic

No Wonder Pussy Galore Was a Lesbian

George W. Bush may be a passable motivational speaker, but I'm thinking the real money maker would be a panel discussion of love, lust, marriage, and the sexual suffering of modern man featuring's Jason Whitlock, who just put forth a thigh-slapping Playa's Manifesto of sorts bemoaning dudes' hormonal helplessness in the face of Pussy Galore, and Sam Schulman, whose musings about gay marriage for The Weekly Standard shed zero light on that particular institution but revealed way too much about the author's sad views on hetero unions.

Clearly, these men have unique and invaluable insights into the eternal battle between the sexes.

Of course, a good panel needs at least three participants.

So I'm opening the floor to nominees for other cutting-edge thinkers in this field.