Drink or (Better Yet) Be Gone | The New Republic

Drink or (Better Yet) Be Gone

New York magazine's Vulture demonstrates that it is no longer possible to be ironic when it comes to Broadway:

A little over a year ago, this Vulture editor wrote a silly comic for New York's 2008 Fall Preview issue imagining Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's life in Manhattan during the time she was performing in Broadway's All My Sons. In said comic's last panel, Tom made his own stage debut in Cocktail: the Musical, a made-up show we thought was so stupid-seeming that no producer could ever pitch it to backers with a straight face. Oops! We learn via yesterday's Post that the 1988 Cruise-starring bartending adventure Cocktail is indeed being adapted into a Broadway musical thanks to producer Marty Richards, presumably with songs from the movie's soundtrack (like "Kokomo" and "Don't Worry Be Happy") serving as the score. Sorry, everybody!

I would make a Days of Thunder joke, but I fear the likely consequences.