More Firepower for Inflection Point | The New Republic

More Firepower for Inflection Point

Exciting news from inside TNR: We just got Gary Gensler, chairman of the CFTC, to join our roster of dignitaries and pacemakers for our event on the current state of the economy. Gensler will tangle with Barney Frank, Eliot Spitzer, Christina Romer, Andrew Cuomo, Bill Ackman, David Wessel, and others on some of the most important questions facing the nation: How have we handled the financial collapse thus far? What could have we done better, and what can we do better still? What will our economy--national and global--look like after the recovery? And what can we do now to prevent similar calamities in the future? 

Inflection Point is coming up on September 14th at the Chamber of Commerce in Washington. Tickets are going fast! As readers, you’re friends and family, so use this code--TNRFRIEND--to get a generous discount. We have limited discounted tickets available, so get yours quick.