This Week In Painful Sports Metaphors | The New Republic

This Week In Painful Sports Metaphors

No sooner have we begun recovering from Sarah Palin's fraught "full-court press" analogy than this news hits:

Regnery announced today that they're publishing [a book] by the former Virginia senator [George Allen]... called, "The Triumph of Character: What Washington Can Learn from the World of Sports."

From the release, which cites his football and rugby (who knew?) prowess at UVA:

In The Triumph of Character, Allen brings together two all-American passions—politics and sports—and reveals what Washington could learn from the enduring principles found in athletic competition and team sports. Having spent the better part of his life with one foot in both the world of sports and the world of politics, Allen will draw parallels and contrasts between the two arenas. Using his own engaging and entertaining personal stories, Allen will illustrate how “characters with character” in the meritocracy of sports can provide principled, competitive examples of the ways to surmount challenges facing America.

Politico's Ben Smith guesses the book is meant to lay the groundwork for a political comeback, though I'm not convinced Allen's spent enough time in the penalty box to come out throwing Hail Marys...

--Christopher Orr