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Palin As Yoda

I've generally avoided commenting on Sarah Palin since the election--I'm of the view that she's more likely to become a whacky historical footnote than a player on the national stage, which can make piling on at this point a little mean-spirited. (As opposed to pre-election, when she was a real menace.)

But here's something I can't resist--an outtake from Palin's recent publicity tour that the Times highlights today:

Ms. Palin used the term “Sarah-centric” to describe her campaign rallies, arguing that fans were responding to her more as a symbol than as a person. “But not me personally were those cheers for,” she said to Ms. Van Susteren in an interview shown Monday night on Fox News. [emphasis added.]

During the campaign, Maureen Dowd had probably the best description of Palin's convoluted locution, remarking on her sentences' "Yoda-like — 'When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not' — splendor." Even Dowd might be surprised at how Yoda-like that one was.

--Noam Scheiber