Palin's Philosophical Inquiries Into Book-banning | The New Republic

Palin's Philosophical Inquiries Into Book-banning


Last week, the New York Times reported:

Shortly after becoming mayor, former city officials and Wasilla residents said, Ms. Palin approached the town librarian about the possibility of banning some books, though she never followed through and it was unclear which books or passages were in question.

Anne Kilkenny, a Democrat who said she attended every City Council meeting in Ms. Palin’s first year in office, said Ms. Palin brought up the idea of banning some books at one meeting. “They were somehow morally or socially objectionable to her,” Ms. Kilkenny said.

The librarian, Mary Ellen Emmons, pledged to “resist all efforts at censorship,” Ms. Kilkenny recalled. Ms. Palin fired Ms. Emmons shortly after taking office but changed course after residents made a strong show of support.

The McCain campaign today has a memo asserting:

When first elected, Mayor Palin asked a rhetorical question of the Wasilla Library Director about the library’s book-challenge policy. It was a rhetorical question — nothing more.

That's so believable! Just the other day, I asked one of our interns about falsifying expense reports for senior editors. Then he said he wouldn't do it, and I got him fired. I think inquiring to my subordinates about actions I do not in any way intend for them to undertake is a sound managerial practice.

--Jonathan Chait