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Obama And The Netroots, Part Xxvii

There seems to be a lot of low-grade grumbling in the blogosphere about why Obama isn't attending next week's Netroots Nation,* the big blogger convention that's the successor to YearlyKos. (See, for example, these two recent posts at DailyKos.) One source says the feeling is that Obama's stiff-arming the lefty blogosphere, which wouldn't exactly be news. Nor would it come as a surprise during the general election phase of the campaign.

For what it's worth, deputy campaign manager Steve Hildebrand and new media director Joe Rospars are scheduled to do a panel at the event. But, after landing not only Obama but also Hillary and John Edwards last year, I suspect the bloggers are going to feel a bit of a letdown.

*I'm not sure there's been an official announcement, but a Netroots Nation spokesperson confirms this and says Obama is scheduled to be out of the country as far as she knows.

Update: Typo corrected.

--Noam Scheiber