The Patti Pile-on? | The New Republic

The Patti Pile-on?

Was there a connection between Patti Solis Doyle's reassignment today and last week's focus on Team Hillary's recent money troubles?

It was apparently one of the worst kept secrets in Clintonland that money man Terry McAuliffe had repeatedly questioned Patti's managerial gifts--including her handling of finances, going back to Patti's days as head of Hillary's PAC. Presumably, the Macker was not alone in his concerns. Ok, forget presumably: I had a couple of campaign folks gripe directly to me about Patti's lack of financial savvy. So despite last week's amazing online haul, did the stories about Hillary's self-loan and about staffers going unpaid provide ammo for anti-Patti forces promoting the idea that she was a bad financial steward?

--Michelle Cottle