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Everybody Hates Mitt, Ctd.

Noam, who for a while now has been pointing out just how much the other GOP contenders seem to hate Mitt Romney, notes this line from the Times Magazine's upcoming Huckabee article over at the Stump:

Huckabee is, indeed, a discreet fellow, but he has no trouble making his feelings known. He mentioned how much he respected his fellow candidates John McCain and Rudolph W. Giuliani. The name of his principal rival in Iowa, Mitt Romney, went unmentioned.

Nor is Huckabee the only candidate going out of his way not to be nice to Romney. As Ryan Lizza noted in his recent New Yorker piece:

At the press lunch in Virginia, after McCain had discussed his warm relations with several candidates, a reporter asked about Romney. “I’ve never known him,” McCain said icily. “I’ve never had a relationship with him.”

It looks like someone shouldn't expect much from his Secret Santa this holiday season.

--Christopher Orr