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Huckabee On Intelligent Design; New Giuliani Ad

Evolution as Indoctrination [Liz Sidoti and Libby Quaid, Associated Press]: "Huckabee, at a dinner in Des Moines, told reporters that the theory of intelligent design, whose proponents believe an intelligent cause is the best way to explain some complex and orderly features of the universe, should be taught in schools as one of many viewpoints. 'I don't think schools ought to indoctrinate kids to believe one thing or another,' he said."


Call to Serve [Jeff Zeleny, The New York Times]: "Senator Barack Obama implored young Americans 'to step into the currents of history,' by not only supporting his presidential candidacy, but committing to form a new generation of public service."

Sunshine Crackdown [Bill Kaczor, Associated Press]: "The Democratic National Committee can penalize the Florida party by stripping the state of its convention delegates because it is holding an early presidential primary, a federal judge ruled Wednesday."

Polling New Hampshire [John DiStaso, New Hampshire Union Leader]: New numbers from Marist College. Democrats: Clinton 37 percent, Obama 23, Edwards 18; Republicans: Romney 29 percent, McCain 17, Giuliani 17, Huckabee 11. 

Channeling the Gipper [Washington Post]: "GOP presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani will begin airing a new television commercial Wednesday in New Hampshire featuring the release of the Iranian hostages in 1980 just as Ronald Reagan was being sworn into office." 

--Josh Patashnik