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Cnn: Most Blushingly Naive News Network Out There

Many of us have dumped on CNN of late for de-classing the presidential debates. I, for one, love reading CNN and its affiliates for the hilariously neutral, vanilla tone they take towards even their weirdest, most scandalous stories. There's just a tonal disconnect there that makes you appreciate the weirdness of the story even more. Today, on CNN

The Fort Lauderdale-based airline, which specializes in flights to the Caribbean, is advertising a "Many Islands, Low Fares" special. ... On Spirit's web site they are calling the offer the "MILF" sale; short for "Many Island, Low Fares." Some Internet bloggers have pointed that "MILF" is known as an obscene acronym in some circles.

But not in the author's circles. He definitely did not previously know what "MILF" stands for.

--Eve Fairbanks