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Obama Seeks Young Voters; Hillary Mocks Young Obama

Illegal Advantage: [Michael Luo, The New York Times]: “Mr. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, has in particular sought to wield the issue [of illegal immigration] against his Republican rivals, focusing on Mr. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, and Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas.”

Rock the Vote: [Seema Mehta, Los Angeles Times]: “Of the Democratic candidates, the Illinois senator has the greatest support among young people and the least among senior citizens. So if Obama student supporters caucus in their hometowns, where the average caucus-goer is in his early 60s, they could help the senator pick up delegates in areas where his support might otherwise be lukewarm, Bystrom said.”

Knight in Shining Armor: [Michael D. Shear and Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post]: “Sen. John McCain said his rivals for the White House are unprepared to serve as president during a period of enormous challenge for America, casting himself as the only candidate from either party capable of confronting both national security crises abroad and political stalemates at home.”

Boy Genius: [Mike Glover, AP]: “Hillary Rodham Clinton ridiculed Democratic rival Barack Obama on Tuesday for his contention that living abroad as a child helped give him a better understanding of the foreign policy challenges facing the U.S.”

--Ben Crair