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Iowans Worry About Democrats' Intra-party Battles

I'm Your Man: [Marc Santora, The New York Times]: "Senator John McCain tried Sunday night to make the case that he was best positioned to defeat Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in a general election, outlining a series of contrasts with her on issues including national security and health care."

Civil War: [Jason Clayworth, DesMoines Register]: "Increasing clashes among the leading Democratic presidential candidates have sparked concern from some caucusgoers and even candidates that the squabbling may weaken the party's chance of victory in the 2008 presidential election."

Trading It In: [Beth Fouhy, AP]: "Democrat Barack Obama sharply criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday for her past support of NAFTA, saying the former first lady had changed her mind about the trade agreement only since becoming a presidential candidate."

No Choice: [Will Lester, The Washington Post]: "Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee rejects letting states decide whether to allow abortions, claiming the right to life is a moral issue not subject to multiple interpretations."

Jersey Boy: [John King, CNN]: "CNN has learned that former New Jersey governor Tom Kean, who also served as co-chairman of the 9/11 commission, plans to endorse John McCain for president."

--Ben Crair