In the United States, we represent the date with the month first, followed by the day and the year, which is illogical. No wonder we’re the only English-speaking nation to do so (our territories, commonwealths, and associated states abroad have dutifully followed suit). Most of the rest of the world, including Europe, uses day-month-year, which is logical.
This distinction apparently has baffled the new occupants of the White House.
British press corp is locked outside the White House because our birthdates were submitted in UK format and secret service don't get it. 🇬🇧
— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) January 27, 2017
"Why is that funny? One person put their birthday as 01/08/[year], why would we be expected to think that means August 1st? Why?"
— Ned Donovan (@Ned_Donovan) January 27, 2017
Some momentary confusion over this unfamiliar date format is to be expected. But to not even be aware of this much more common format is perfectly symbolic of the Trump administration, for whom “America First” is not just a statement of nationalistic priority but a willful ignorance of the rest of the world.