Or something like that. On conservative talk radio station 103.9 WVOM this morning, LePage embraced his candidate’s worst impulses:
A quote from LePage on many systems of government on WVOM today. #mepolitics pic.twitter.com/9h8FWwfzSB
— Michael Shepherd (@mikeshepherdME) October 11, 2016
Trump is everything LePage wishes he could be; his admiration for the man mirrors his own political philosophy. The two men share a skepticism of democracy, a hatred of the press, and a disregard for collegial behavior. Neither promotes anything resembling a cohesive policy platform. Instead, they stick to talking points that sound like they’ve been pulled straight from YouTube comments.
Now, Trump’s apparently inspired America’s Worst Governor to unleash his inner autocrat. But LePage did concede one criticism of his lord and savior. Trump, he said, is not the sort of man he’d want his daughter to date.