“Lock her up” has replaced “Make America Great Again” as the theme of the RNC convention, in much the same way as “Drill, baby, drill” and “You built that” took over the 2008 and 2012 conventions, respectively. (“Lock her up” is a tad more combative, though there a jackbooted quality to the others, as well.)
But, given the tenor of the speeches at the RNC, which began with a mother accusing Hillary Clinton of being personally responsible for her son’s death, it’s no surprise that the crowd started chanting “Lock her up” less than 10 minutes into the third night of the RNC, while Florida Governor Rick Scott repeatedly unhinged his jaw while speaking about the massacre in Orlando and, of course, Hillary Clinton. It won’t be the last time, either. If Scott and conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, the night’s first two speakers, are any indication, this will be another night about the sins of Hillary Clinton.