Pundits have been saying for days that a loss in the Badger
State would signal that Trump would be unable to deliver white working class in the general election.
But after the news networks announced that he had lost decisively to Ted Cruz, the real estate mogul tried to spin the results as a blip—and blamed them on everyone but himself.
His campaign released this statement Tuesday night:
NEW: Trump campaign statement tonight pic.twitter.com/ycqP3IJYWn
— Robert Costa (@costareports) April 6, 2016
Trump did face staunch opposition from the state’s influential talk show hosts and the Republican elite. #NeverTrump
groups had poured money into the state. One, Our Principles PAC, has spent $2
million on TV and radio ads, billboards, and online advertising in Wisconsin alone. (Coordinating with Super PACs is illegal and there is no evidence that Cruz has coordinated with Our Principles, or any other PAC.)
The real estate mogul will likely fare better in the coming primaries. He now heads to his home state, New York, where he could theoretically win over 50 percent of voters and clinch all 95 Republican delegates, which would more than make up for his loss in Wisconsin.