In a paean to New York City, Hillary Clinton takes aim at Donald Trump (and maybe Bernie Sanders). | The New Republic

In a paean to New York City, Hillary Clinton takes aim at Donald Trump (and maybe Bernie Sanders).

Clinton’s latest campaign ad celebrates the diversity and multiculturalism of the city. “New York,” Clinton says. “20 million strong. We don’t all look the same. We don’t all sound the same, either. But when we pull together, we do the biggest things in the world.” 

The ad explicitly contrasts her message with the violence and animosity Trump has incited since he announced his presidential bid last summer, briefly showing a sign that says, “Coming in 2016: Trump.” 

“When some say we can solve America’s problems by building walls, banning people based on their religion, and turning against each other,” Clinton says, “well, this is New York, and we know better.” 

The ad might also might be a subtle dig at her rival Bernie Sanders, who has struggled with more diverse electorates. It began airing Wednesday in New York, where Clinton and Sanders have been locked in an increasingly fierce fight in the run-up to the state’s April 19 primary.