Donald Trump and Fox News to kiss and make up, sing Auld Lang Syne together on New Year’s Eve. | The New Republic

Donald Trump and Fox News to kiss and make up, sing Auld Lang Syne together on New Year’s Eve.

Scott Olson / Getty

The on-again, off-again romance between Trump and the conservative cable network has been one of the most entertaining things to watch this year.

Let’s recap:

  • September 2015: Trump announces he’s boycotting Fox News for treating him “unfairly.” A week later, Trump appears on “The O’Reilly Factor,” but a planned peace summit between Trump and Ailes never takes place.

Trump has continued to appear on Fox News programs this fall. And now, according to Politico, the Republican primary frontrunner will appear live from Florida and help the network count down to midnight on New Year’s Eve. Perhaps it’s a sign that, in true New Year’s spirit, they’re putting past disagreements behind them for 2016.

And don’t forget, Fox News is set to host its second Republican primary debate on January 28, just before the Iowa caucuses. It will feature the same hosts as that infamous August debate: Bret Baier, Chris Wallace, and Megyn Kelly.