Future45, a PAC dedicated to preventing Clinton from winning next year, funded three ads that appeared on the Snapchat live story at the Republican
debate Tuesday.
They show a Clinton lookalike breaking it down while bills rain down from the ceiling. “Foreign dictators made it rain on her foundation,” a gilded caption reads. Another snippet depicts Clinton wearing her trademark sunglasses and fanning herself with dollar bills, while dancing with Middle Eastern dictators. “Where did all that money go?” a caption asks asks.
The prominence of Snapchat ads at the debate last night highlights their increased importance in the presidential race. According to a recent survey, a third of all the millennials likely to vote next year are Snapchat users.
Candidates like John Kasich and Ted Cruz have already tried to reach out to those voters through the app. Kasich launched the first geofilter in New Hampshire in September. The filter featured a large “K” spelled out with strips of bacon. Cruz bombarded football fans on Snapchat at the Iowa-Iowa State game the same month.