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Climate negotiators decide they love Paris so much, they don’t want to leave.

Martin Bureau / Getty

Is it the food? The wine? The company? The climate talks were scheduled to conclude today, but Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister and chair of the talks, announced that a new draft agreement would not arrive until 9 a.m. on Saturday.

“I will not present the text Friday evening, as I had thought, but Saturday morning,” he said, according to the Guardian. “There is still work to do. Things are going in the right direction.”

That’s the sort of positive spin we’ve been hearing from Fabius all week. Just yesterday, with the Friday deadline looming over the start of another all-night negotiating session, he told the conference, “I think, dear friends, that we will make it.”

So will the talks end tomorrow? At this stage, it’s probably best to keep in mind Fabius’s statement from earlier in the week: “Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.” Christmas in Paris, anyone?