The Next Frontier of Climate Change | The New Republic

The Next Frontier of Climate Change

State and Local Action in Michigan

State and local politicians, especially those whose communities have suffered from the recent spike in extreme weather events, have been far quicker than Congress to embrace and implement meaningful climate change policies. Are these case studies and pockets of success enough to achieve broad-scale climate action in the coming years? What role can and should businesses and corporations take in the fight?

On Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015, the New Republic, in partnership with Business Forward and Kettering University, will host The Next Frontier of Climate Change: State and Local Action in Michigan in the Campus Center at Kettering University. The program, featuring Bob Simon from the White House OSTP, will address climate change action and implementation at the state and local level as well as sustainable manufacturing and the role that business play in environmental change.


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Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015
Registration: 8:30am
Program: 9:00am-11:30am

Campus Center, Kettering University
1700 University Ave
Flint, MI


8:30am: Doors Open
8:30am-8:55am: Networking Coffee Reception
9:00am-9:05am: Welcome Remarks
9:05am-9:30am: Headline Interview
Bob Simon, Principal Advisor to the Director for Energy, Transportation, and Resources, White House OSTP
9:30am-9:45am: Audience Q+A
9:45am-10:25am: Panel Discussion, State Climate Action & Community Resiliance
Jeff Andresen, Michigan State Climatologist, Co-Director of GLISA, NOAA Great Lakes RISA Program
James Clift, Policy Advisor, Michigan Environmental Council
Danielle Lewinski, Vice President and Director of Michigan Initiatives, Center for Community Progress
Kevin Schronce, Lead Planner, City of Flint
10:25am-10:40am:Audience Q+A
10:40am-11:20am: Panel Discussion, Climate Change and Business: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions
Andrew Hoffman, Holcim Professor of Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan
Bill Stough, CEO, Sustainable Research Group
11:05am-11:30am: Audience Q+A
11:30am: Event Conclusion