Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin Descriptions in New York maga | The New Republic

The Four Silliest/Creepiest Huma Abedin Descriptions in 'New York' Magazine's Weiner Piece

In New York magazine this week, Mark Jacobson has a profile of Anthony Weiner which includes plenty of material on Huma Abedin, Weiner's wife. Abedin always gets good press, but this piece takes it to a new level. As a public service, I have chosen the four silliest/creepiest tidbits:

1. "She approached in a knit white top and navy-blue business skirt, her dark, almost black hair down to her shoulders. She wore bright-red lipstick, which gave her lips a 3-D look, her brown eyes were pools of empathy evolved through a thousand generations of what was good and decent in the history of the human race."

2. "Of course, you’d seen pictures before. But you’d also seen pictures of the Taj Mahal. It didn’t quite come up to actually being there."

3. "Huma looked at Weiner with bemusement. It was quite possible that she was the most cosmopolitan human being on Earth."

4. "The harsh, cheap buck lighting in the coffee shop couldn’t lay a glove on her. By the time she sat down, the harmony of angels had vanquished the tinny background music from every corporate space on the planet." 

Isaac Chotiner is a senior editor at The New Republic. Follow him @IChotiner.