Egypt's Liberals: Out in the Cold Again | The New Republic

Egypt's Liberals: Out in the Cold Again

In his blog, University of Michigan historian Juan Cole reports that Egypt’s “Rebellion” movement, or Tamarod, has taken exception to the Declaration of Constitutional Principles handed down by interim President Adly Mansour, who was appointed by the military. According to Cole, the Rebellion objects to the extensive powers granted to the President, who is to appoint all executive officials, including the Prime Minister. The group also charges that the declaration doesn’t sufficiently safeguard civil liberties. According to Ahramonline, the liberal Free Egyptians Party, part of Mohamed ElBaradei’s National Salvation Front, has objected to Article One, which declares Islam to be Egypt’s official religion. But what’s most interesting about these reports is neither leaders of the Rebellion nor ElBaradei were consulted about the Declaration prior to its being issued. Does this sound familiar? After having taken to the streets last year to protest their not being consulted about Mohamed Morsi’s draft Constitution, Egypt’s liberals, who spearheaded the movement against Morsi, find themselves out in the cold again.