Check Out The New Republic's New Logo | The New Republic

Check Out The New Republic's New Logo

Home News: As many readers know by now, a redesigned and reimagined version of The New Republic will land at the end of this month. The new magazine aims to offer fresh, thought-provoking journalism about a broad range of subjects—politics, culture, and big ideas. It’ll do so by building off a century-old tradition of context and analysis beyond the daily headlines.

On January 28, visitors here will also be greeted by an entirely new, cutting-edge website with a redesign that aims to be every bit as novel as the reinvented print version that’ll start showing up on newsstands and in subscriber mailboxes that same day. Subscribers can also enjoy a newly designed iPad edition for a sneak-peek a few days early—a regular subscriber benefit. If you don’t mind our saying so, that version is pretty beautiful, as well.

Above is a small window on what’s to come: An early look at The New Republic’s new logo—the first of many changes we’ll be rolling out in this space. Check back in the upcoming weeks for more updates.

Read about the logo’s inception and design in an interview with our Creative Director, Dirk Barnett.